Monday, October 6, 2008

Ok well the home coming game was good we won we were36 and the other team was 0!! Big Fatt ZERO!! Well it was also way fun because this girl was really cold and she was with us and so i was like have my blanket.. So anyways it goes on that i know this really cute boy not Phillip!! It was gavin i have liked him for a long time and anyways so it got chilly and i ended up asking if i could BORROW only borrow!! So he is like sure and so i put on his jacket it was really warm and HUMAGUS, LARGEST , ENOURMOUS WOW !!!Well so anyways i ended up taking it home then i ended up wereing it the whole weekend and it even says his last name on it MCDERMOTT!! Well anyways my point is phillip is getting old and plus gavin is so much nicer!!!wow huh well that is the new info!!!


Nat Lud said...

You are killing me! No more boys for you! You need to come over here more so I can keep you under control!

Kailee's Korner said...

oh my gosh!!!! Shelby guess who is looking at my blog??? Guess and see if you can think please hit the nose I a going to die!!!! Well update your blog!!
love ya